What is a Corpse-man?

Will the national news media jump all over the President for not being able to correctly pronounce the word corpsman in a speech today?

Bush got slammed for "nuclear" and other words, will the NY Times, CNN, Washington Post jump on this?


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Yes it is hard to believe that an Ivy League educated man can't pronounce corpsman, but I suspect the MSM will do their best to ignore it.


Oh, well, this is different, because it's OBAMA.

Do we have actual, incontestible proof that this man is even human? How can a grown man who supposedly was born and lived in Hawaii - a US Navy-intensive state - not know how to pronounce "corpsman"? Does Obama also refer to the Marine Corpse?

And the embarrassment just gets worse and worse.


As a conservative I don't think that pronunciation has anything to do with politics, However I believe if you crucify one president for it you should do it with all presidents. One upon a time little slip ups like this would be ignored.


Corpsman: Some of the bravest men you'll ever meet.

☠ APM ☠2010-02-04T14:41:57Z

Obama's career in 2012

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