Ron Paul supporters: What is the libertarian platform concerning govt. oversight?

Specifically in regards to govt agencies like the FDA, FAA, OSHA, EPA, and the like. maybe I'm not understanding them correctly, what would the libertarian party do with these agencies?


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Ideally they would be abolished and replaced in spirit by private, independent watchdog groups like the one that recently shut down a tainted meatpacking plant while the gov't agencies gave it a passing grade.


Ron Paul is a little-l libertarian now, I think. He turned in his Libertarian Party credentials for Republican ones, although he does represent the more libertarian-leaning Republicans.

We should replace harmful government agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) with more agile, free-market alternatives. The mission of the FDA is to protect us from unsafe medicines. In fact, the FDA has driven up healthcare costs and deprived millions of Americans of much-needed treatments. For example, during a 10-year delay in approving Propanolol Propranolol (a heart medication for treating angina and hypertension), approximately 100,000 people died who could have been treated with this lifesaving drug. Bureaucratic roadblocks kill sick Americans.

Harold Goldstein2010-02-09T15:54:52Z

end them, when the airlines were deregulated way back in the day, it spurred new growth and really did a wonder for the airline industry, as far as the fda, there theory is, wait a long time before releasing drugs into the market just to play it safe, many people like that too, they say oh wow now there are less harmful drugs out on the market and less people die, yahoo! well thats partly true but lets look at the other side, how many people died because they didnt have access to the drugs in time because the fda decided to wait and play it safe, a lot of people go w/o medication that could help them,


Except the FAA, they want do do away with them and hand those responsibilities over to the states.

I think that's a crummy idea since so much of what they regulate is inter-state in nature.


The Judicial branch of government, like the US Constitution intended. Lobbyists have turned government oversight into a joke.

Jesse - read my link if you think they are adequate. Drink any poison water lately? If you live in any area served by the Colorado River, you likely have.

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