Are you a descendant of Robert the Bruce?

I can't find an estimate of the legitimate and illegitimate descendants of Robert I of Scotland, but there must be nearly as many of these as Edward III. I would estimate that most of middle-class Scotland descends from the Bruce as well as many Americans.


Descendants include Presidents T. Roosevelt, Monroe, Bush 41 & 43, Buchanan, Polk; Diana Spencer, Churchill.


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Yep, through his daugther Marjorie & her husband Walter Stewart. :o)


Robert The Bruce Family Tree


Robert E Lee was born in 1807. Robert The Bruce was born in 1274. This means that there are 533 years between them. Since an average generation is historically 22 years (we are having children later now), then there have been 24 generations between Robert E Lee and Robert The Bruce. Robert E Lee had two parents; his parents also had two parents each, his grandparents also had two parents each. If you go back 24 generations, in that generation there are 16,777,216 people, and even with such a small sample spread, it still covers the entire Scottish Population because today there are still only 6 million people. Even if there is one person in his family going through 24 generations, then it would be possible to show a link between Robert E. Lee and Robert The Bruce. And no, you can not be eligible to be King of Scotland because "The Last King of Scotland" was Idi Amin.


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The article says that Robert Lee, of Virginia, was seventeenth in direct descent from Robert Bruce, of Scotland. We know that Barack Obama is twenty-fifth in direct descent from Edward I of England who fought with Robert the Bruce. We also know that Prince Charles is twenty-third in direct descent from Robert the Bruce, of Scotland. We know that through a different bloodline that Barack Obama and Prince Charles are 17th cousins twice removed. ============== The reality is that 17, 23 or 25 generations is a lot of generations. If the original person had a lot of children and grandchildren then he could have millions of descendants. ============ What sounds like a lot of coincidence really is not that unlikely. There is nothing special about Robert E Lee being 17th in line from Robert the Bruce. The writer of the article is trying to make him special, but these bloodlines are not so rare.


Robert De Bruce

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