Small patches that look like little blood blisters?

I've been getting these little blood blisters that come up just under my skin. They don't hurt and usually don't stay very long. Some are smaller that a pin head and others the size of maybe a tictac.
I've searched the internet using the only way I know to describe them,but have found nothing. Just wondering if maybe someone has experienced anything like this.
I have an appt with my doctor next month and it certainly isn't something to go in for early,mostly I'm curious.
I do take a medication that is hard on my kidneys,could it be related? It's not in the symptoms list.
Any hint or suggestion would be helpful and worth looking into if you have any ideas!! Thanks ;)


Favorite Answer

Have you been taking a lot of aspirin lately? Taking too much aspirin can cause bleeding under the skin, usually in small spots. It could be your medicine if it has aspirin or some other medication that prevents blood clotting.

rodolfo l2010-03-02T17:14:57Z

I got it too. My Doctor said it's just normal.