What is conservatism in America today?

What do (and what should) conservatives advocate for?

Do or should they advocate very incremental change toward bettering the human condition in America?

Do or should they advocate removing twentieth century progressive policy, with nothing to replace it?

If they advocate dismantling progressive policies, how are they meaningfully different from economic libertarians? Why are they "conservatives" if they advocate a fairly radical departure to economic libertarianism that has never been embraced in America?


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Conservatives don't want Govt growing out of control- like it is! Taking more money from the private sector- US THE PEOPLE to pay more Govt and Lobbyists- Bureaucrats etc.. We just want Govt to Protect America and stay out of our business! They are bad at business and thats why they are politicians instead !


Economic libertarians are at least engaged in a rational debate over the inexact science of economics.

Unfortunately, today, most of those who call themselves "conservatives" are religious fanatics focused on social issues that are none of their business (like who we have sex with and what religion we are). These topics are not debated with logic or reason but, rather, emotions and superstition. Pathetic.

Commander McBragg2010-03-03T11:52:41Z

Conservatives are not completely conservative and liberals are not completely liberal. Conservatives are into change-just enough to keep up with the times but not enough to destroy the system. Liberals are so caught up in change that they do not know what they want to stay with.

Modern conservatives differ from previous generations mainly in support of preemptive military issues and overseas military presence. Previous ones were more isolationist.


mainly its branched off into fiscal and social conservatives or a combination of a little of both

nothing like the liberals which have everything from just big government to far left commie societies


Most things the federal government calls "fixing", can be handled by the individual states.

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