What do you think of Obama's new health care plan announced today?

Do those of you object still feel we need to start over?

The Insurance industry isn't starting over and they continue to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, jacking up the rates and cancelling policies.
I cannot see why some are still objecting. What do you think?


Birdie, I have a pre-existing condition as well and I'm a breast cancer survivor. This is a huge issue for so many of us.

mom lost 662010-03-03T13:00:52Z

Favorite Answer

I heard bits and pieces of what he said and some of it I totally agree with
everyone should be able to have affordable health insurance and not just the
rich and those of us with pre existing conditions have problems because of
our per existing condition and are forced to pay higher premiums we should
have universal health care like they do in europe and canada

sick of it2010-03-03T21:00:05Z

YES... you can have regulations in place so that insurance companies can't commit robbery- with out it being mandatory to purchase insurance or to choose a public option... - which will raise our taxes and we will end up with worse care than we already have. So even if you aren't denied for preexisting conditions- you will be on a ridiculous wait list for each appointment- you may or may not be able to get the best care for your condition- and who are you going to complain to when you feel that the system isn't working, the government? There is a way to achieve the good without settling for the bad... they could regulate without mandating. All this push for National Health "Reform" is a pitiful and desperate attempt to ensure that we the people will be bound to paying ridiculously high taxes, so that Obama can look back on his presidency and say i helped save the economy- of course he will leave out the part where he spared his ego and he did it all at the expense of the American people.

NAnZI pELOZI's Forced Social2010-03-03T22:06:48Z

It is the SAME things as the Insurance Industry is doing, only with the Government Controlling it....

Put down your O'Bama Hymnal blow out your O'Bama candles and WAKE UP....

YOU ARE STILL GOING TO BE PAYING for the health coverage. You will still be paying your 20% of the total cost of a procedure, you will STILL be denied coverage for costly care. AND you will be required to WAIT 6 months from date of submittable for specific care before it will be EVALUATED...

SHOW ME THE DIFFERENCE....other than the Government Controls and Penalties....


The lobbying scare tactics have worked well to divide this nation. My mother is 82 years old, in a nursing home, is bed/wheel chair ridden and has dementia. Her monthly health care cost has gone from $105 per month to $163 per month starting in January. THAT'S CRAP, AND IT NEEDS TO STOP.

People need to stop believing the scare tactics and get down to business. Right now our way of doing business is unacceptable, and needs dramatic overhaul. Working people can't afford it while young irresponsible people get it free, right along with low income housing while working people who lose their jobs, lose their benefits AND get their homes foreclosed on. The whole system is broken.


I need to check it out

This issue will NEVER go away, though. It will be resolved and changes will be made.

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