If Stewie succeeds in killing Lois, should he be tried as an adult?


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Legally no - he's under the age of majority. He is not considered an adult in the eyes of the law. However, from an ethical standpoint, I'd say perhaps...

He's shown to have a very high IQ - more than that of his family, and some of his intentions are very adult. So, based on his intentions, yes - they're just as sophisticated as that of an adults'.

Rick M2010-03-08T18:18:19Z

Unlikely, there are perhaps five "Adult Babies" in the world, Stewie, Bertram, Eliza, Olivia, and the guy she cheated on Stewie with, you'd have a hell of a time proving that a one year old could intend to kill his mother. The only one who'd buy it would be Brian, and who would believe a talking dog?


Well even though he is still in diapers he should be tried as an adult, because of the amount of premeditation that he put into it. BUT the ACLU would probably step in and get him off on the charges; claiming that he is being persecuted at such a young age.


He almost did kill her, he shot her then threw her off a boat. she survived and came into a court room and turned in Stewie. i have only seen the first part of that episode so i dont know how it ended but he webt to court.


Yes,but most likley will **** his way out of it with Brian as his lawyer.

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