What are the qualities of a Democrat?

I am a but lost on the whole idea of my being a Democrat. I would like to know what are the qualities of a democrat and what the main beliefs are of Democrats. Is there a website that will tell me more about Democrats? Please let me hear from someone with decent knowledge of this topic.

Fern O2010-03-11T21:49:36Z

Favorite Answer

Statistically wise in terms of economic growth, job creation, purchasing power, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, environmental and consumer protection etc. Google it... compare both parties ( Democrats vs Republicans) from 1920 to present. You won't be lost anymore. Democratic mantra is to dazzle with deeds...not baffle with bull$hit (R).


Democrats greatest quality right now will be the focus on the environment and specifically the focus on a search for alternative fuel sources. This will change the framework of US foreign policy for the better and a green economy would actually have aspects of social responsibility in it. How about that in a free market society Their worst is not dealing with the illegal immigration issue effectively. They have got to be tougher on this issue, or they will be vulnerable in 08.


The Democratic party was hijacked by he Progressives.


To be the best friend of those who hate America and dream of the declining of the Greatest Nation in History.


I would assume the qualities of every other human being..? ..I don't think generalizing is a good idea..

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