my cockatiel is afraid of fruits and veggies, have him since 1.5 month and still doesn't accept any.What to do?


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Ok, I have had a cockatiel for like 4 months now and it still does not want to play with me... Back on topic.. anyways, if you want your cockatiel to get used to the fruits and vegies you give it, the easiest way to do this is to put a small plate or bowl next to where it feeds (seed bowl) Inside that small plate, place in the fruits or vegies you want it to eat. Just repeat the process EVERYDAY. However, do make sure that they are DICED (small) pieces or it may intimidate them. Good Luck!

Charles D. M.2010-03-13T06:17:51Z

I would appeal to it's curious side by placing two tiny rice sized pieces in a separate dish. Alternate one day fruit and the next a veggie, and so on.