Are elite Republicans investing in lower class $15 to $20,000 per year income groups for the vote?
Are elite Republicans investing in lower class $15 to $30,000 per year income groups for the vote? I mean seriously think about this. NRA BS, family values when they havent historically implemented UNIVERSAL health care, playing the abortion card every chance they get as if Democrats are not against it as well, playing the "gay" card, the minority and border scare card, huge walls as if there is no decent people on the other side, and then they turn around and want to solicit the Hispanic vote as if we're going to TRUST them, etc etc!
They play every freaking card available to propagate themselves into office and once there, all they do is clean up the bank vaults of the US Government with elitist motivated plans to invade other countries for profits and self interests. An Aristocratic idealogy coming up with a health care plan? A laughing joke! No Hispanic community will ever fall for such BS, Aristocratic influences was torn down during the Mexican Revolution and the English during England's tyrant aristocracy which gave birth to the good ole USofA. And Now that same element is trying to emerge. Wake up America!