What AMERICAN game companies are there that make good games for the wii, wiiware, virtual console, or Xbox360?

Are there any? I don't think there are.


Favorite Answer

Well, don´t know about Wii but as far as Xbox 360 goes, there are several.

*Bethseda (oblivion, fallout3)
*Bioware (Dragon Age, Bioshock.) oops, nm...Canadian
*THQ (Saint´s Row, Darksiders)
*Midway (Mortal Kombat...now owned by Warner Brothers)
*Epic Games (Gears of War, Unreal Tournament...also the developer of the widely used Unreal Engine)
*Infinity Ward (Call of Duty)
*Bungie (Halo)
*Rockstar Games (GTA)
*Lucas Arts (Star Wars: Force Unleashed)
*Visceral Games (Dead Space, Dante´s Inferno)


infinty ward made cod mw 2


pretty much any but i will guarantee you there will atleast 1 bad game for almost every game maker

