How can I get rid of this huge recurring pimple?

Hey I'm 16, I am very hygienic and I eat healthy, but for the past month I have been dealing with a particularly large pimple on my chin. It usually lasts for about a week and a half, then comes back days later. This is the 4th time it has came back in the same spot, and I'm fed up. I have tried a wide variety of different treatments; medicated and home remedy. It is an eye sore and slightly embarrassing to say the least.

Can anyone recommend a way to end this? Could it be my eating habits or my sleep routine? Should I see a dermatologist? All answers are very appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Favorite Answer

If it keeps coming back pop that sucker. But do it properly!

1) Wash the area
2) Steralize a pin/needle with a flame, cool it off
3) Gentle prick the pimple
4) Squeeze all the nasty sh*t out, stop immediatly as soon as you see blood.
5) Put pressure on it with a tissue until bleeding stops
6) Put some like Polysporin on it.

Do this ONLY if it has a whitehead and try to do it at night, It will be flat by morning.




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sure its not a moscito whats layed eggs and the lava is feeding of your flesh on your face get it checked out shouldent always come back most likely isent only worry if theres a small hole in the middle of the spot thats were the lava is breathing from