Could I go to Duke University?
I'm a 6th grader right now.I know I'm really far away from college but I just want to know what I could do better to get into Duke or any other big school. Here are my grades for my 1-3 quarters so far this year. ELA: 1st Quarter-95 2nd Quarter-96 3rd Quarter-95 Science: 1st Quarter-97 2nd Quarter-95 3rd Quarter-95 Math: 1st Quarter-94 2nd Quarter-93 3rd Quarter-91 GYM: 1st Quarter-100 2nd Quarter-100 3rd Quarter-100 Choir: 1st Quarter-100 2nd Quarter-100 3rd Quarter-100 Social Studies: 1st Quarter-98 2nd Quarter-100 3rd Quarter-100 Right now I'm in all regular classes,next year I'm doing Pre-AP ELA & Social Studies.Thanks.