Can you use those barbed connectors for 1/4" tube with 3/8" PEX?

I need a small diameter pipe / tubing to get water to some window flower boxes. I plan to use 3/8" PEX & run it along the bottom of our front porch. ALONG THE WAY, there are two flower pots that need a drip emitter. Can I tap into the PEX with a couple of those barbed connectors and run tubing to the two flower pots?


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suggestion, there is an abs irrigation pipe specially designed for what you are trying to accomplish. it is 5/8 diameter if im not mistaken and you can use 1 /4 pierce fittings that stab into this pipe and run your 1/4 bleed tubing to your pots. at the end ofthe 1/4 tubing you install a drip fitting that allows a set amount of gallons per minute. various choices are available. this might be better than messing with pex piping. this piping can be bought at an irrigation supply store or lowes, home depot of luck