Does anyone know of a FREE website to learn how to...?
How to finish a greenbroke horse, games to play with the horse for bonding and to establish dominance, liberty work, etc.? All I keep coming across are trainer's websites that want me to pay an arm and a leg for their advise. My local library has nothing. I just want to be able to ride my "gift horse" without getting hurt. She isn't any more than green broke and my previous horses were much calmer than her. I don't want to sell her, but if I don't find some wisdom on the internet, it's not looking good. There's 3 feet of snow on the ground now, so I have a month or so to do ground work with her before getting back in the saddle. She's a friendly horse, but knows nothing about paying attention to a rider. A little help, please!
Horsey Gurl2010-04-06T16:40:29Z
Favorite Answer
You Tube usually has good videos by some very good clinicians, just google horse training. It will take some time to weed through all the info until you find some good stuff, but its out there keep looking.
And -- For those who say that you can not learn about these things through a website, I just want to remind them that everyone has different styles of learning. Some people need hands on instruction, others learn better by watching then doing, and some people can learn just as effectively by reading something then putting it into practice. Everyone is different and you shouldn't judge everyone by your own abilities.There is good stuff out there, you just have to work hard to find it. Good Luck
I agree with the above poster. Horse training of any sort CANNOT be learned over the internet. I suggest getting in contact with a trainer/instructor in your area. You need a Professional to work alongside for both your sake and your horses.
You simply cannot learn how to train a horse from a website. I'm sorry, but this is knowledge that comes from experience and hands on instruction, not from a website.
Invest in a trainer to give you lessons on how to train your horse.
I'm making a website right now. Its up now and I'll make sure to put all of the that on there. This is the address check back everyday. I am gradually making it better.