my cat has been peeing in the kitchen for the past 2 days.. is she sick?
Charlotte NEVER urinates or defecates newhere except the litter box.. unless she is sick. She is a 1yr old cat who has been feline leukemia positive her entire life.
Sunday night, I left out a cup of milk while I was sleeping. I woke up, and she had drank almost ALL of it! She had the craps that day, but it passed. Monday morning, she vomited on the windowsill and peed in the kitchen floor. Just now, I found 2 pee spots in the kitchen! I'm getting concerned that she may have a urinary tract infection or something. I really don't have the $ to take her to the vet, but I will if this continues. She seems healthy other than this unusual behavior.. but she didn't greet me when I got home today, which is strange. She isn't as playful today as usual, either.
What do u think is wrong with her? What is a possible cause? How can it be prevented in the future?
Yes, she is more susceptible to infections. I'm going to make an appointment tomorrow morning and pay for it with my credit card.
Favorite Answer
When a cat starts behaving in ways that are not typical it's often a sign that something is wrong with them. Sometimes it's the only sign. It's likely that the milk is to blame for the craps and the vomiting, but I can't see how it could cause your cat to pee in the kitchen. Unfortunately for your $ situation, I think you're going to have to take her to your vet. She sounds like she's getting worse. Aren't feline-leukemia-positve cats more vulnerable to infections? Charlotte's lucky to have you! Hope everything turns out okay.
Last 12 months my lovely Manx cat Theodore went out for the night and certainly not got here again. I love cats and the apartment did not believe the equal with out one, so I picked up Lola from a rescue centre. She used to be very worried and could pee far and wide the apartment. I observed Cat Spraying No More� on the web and the systems labored just about instantly. I have not had a quandary with Lola considering. Amazing! Can't give up your cat peeing within the apartment? Then fear not more...
first of all, don't give your cat milk. many of them are lactose-intolerant, and have problems digesting it (especially as they get older -- see link below). i'm sorry that ur cat has such health problems and maybe that is why she's acting that way and i think u should see a vet due to the medical history. my cousin also has a cat who started doing her business in all sorts of places except her box (which was really unusual). it turned out it was cuz of emotional stress. they had moved her litter box from the usual place and even though she knew where it was and it was accessible she still refused to use it cuz apparently she didnt like the chance. think of some changes that may have occured involving ur cat. maybe she's emotionally distressed.
I'm 43, I've had cats all of my life...When a cat is sick (they hide it very well), one of the first clues is that they quit using the box...I'm really sorry but it sounds like she's getting sicker...Sorry.. :-(