To call or not to call.....?

First.. I know you can't tell me if my water broke, this is a what would you do in this case... wait or call now? I will be 34 weeks pg on Monday. Uncomplicate pregnancy to date, not high risk. I have a 2 yr old as well. A few hours ago I began leaking fluid, a slow leak, but I am 85% sure it wasn't urine, it was clear and odorless. I was also having itermittent back pain and tightening of the uterus. I was going to call my OB however it all stopped, including the leaking. I have an OB appt Monday morning. Should I call and get checked out a L&D today or just wait until Monday and mention it to my doctor? My water broke with my first, so you'd think I know! Btw baby is moving normally


I called... off to L&D to get checked... hoping it is just pee!!


Thanks everyone! I am having regular contractions, but all false labor, no dilation. Amniotic fluid test was negative!! WOO HOO


Favorite Answer

I would call, just to make sure things are okay. Even if it's stopped, your little early and you don't want real labour to start. I would not hesitate to call that's what they are there for.


I am not one to overreact, but I would give L &D a call and see what the nurses think.


I would call there's no harm in that. Better to be safe than sorry.


When I doubt call :) Good Luck!


probaly pre-term labor...i think you should call your OB and tell him/her the situation, they will tell you what to do from there.

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