I have a 4 month old Jack Russell and yesterday I found a hard lump on her back. It is the size of a silver dollar and moves with her skin. It doesn't seem to be causing her any pain or discomfort; she doesn't seem to notice when I touch it. What could it be?
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i agree it probably is a cyst, it shouldnt hurt her. its the same thing that people get on their necks at the back. they are like little knots in the muscle, and it feels good to rub them! it may go away, but it may also stay with her for life. it should be harmless but next time she is at the vet get her checked out.
Could it be she's had an injection and it's not disbursed properly? This can happen. It's more likely to be a subcutaneous cyst and nothing to panic about, but if you are going back to the vet for stitch removal on Monday, get them to check it out. Don't worry, we've lived with various lumps and bumps on our hounds for years, and most of 'em have survived well into their 15th year.