Can you believe this, I woiuldnt if I wasnt there?

I was at work in our break room and the guy I work with for a package of peanuts out of the vending machine, sat down, opened it and out flew about 5 little moths!!! It was soooo GROSSS! Any one ever see anything like that?


It wasnt expired, we checked. Besides if it were old wouldnt the bugs be dead? lol


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I have had moths in sunflower seeds before. It wigged me out..I guess it happens sometimes.


It can happen with cereal products too. My mum had a similar thing happen in her pantry. They are called weavels (unsure of the correct spelling), tiny and remain unseen to the naked eye. If a packet of flour or whatever is left for too long they turn into these flying insects. If you open flour or anything else at home be sure to put the remaining product in a sealed container, if you don't and there are weavels in the product then your pantry will be infested, at least if they are contained in a sealed container they can't escape.


It was infested. If he still has the package, he needs to write to the company that made the peanuts and tell them. He should keep the package, but write the lot code and manufacturing date off the package. He should also speak to the vending machine company about it.


gross. I've never experienced anything like that but I've heard news stories about people finding frogs in their prepacked salad they've bought and also stories of little insects being found in popcorn.


No! that's crazy. I remember my sister and her friend had a spider crawl out of a bag of potato chips many years ago.

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