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Anonymous asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo MailAbuse and Spam · 1 decade ago

Why do people believe that the holocaust wasnt an actual historical event?

Why are people all into this stupid "conspiracy" ****? How can you possibly believe that the holocaust never happened?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Conspiracy theories exist about many past historical events and there will always be those who want or choose to believe that the "official" story is either incomplete, a cover-up or a total lie.

    The holocaust happened, just like the towers really had planes fly into them. Certain "groups" of people wish to place the blame elsewhere or convince people that someone else was responsible. Every few years the conspiracy theories come out again for a fresh crop of believers or in some cases non-believers. In truth there are some conspiracies in our past history and this lends credit to those who wish to cast doubt on other historical events.

    However, when enough evidence exists and there are eye witness accounts from many different view points, it is reasonable to believe something did indeed happen. In the case of the holocaust there is ample evidence, eye witness and first hand accounts to support that this atrocity did indeed occur.

    Why people want to believe the conspiracy theories? There are many reasons. Hate groups for one, that want to spread their twisted views around. People who want to be seen as "in the know" and argue the facts are another. Yet another are groups and individuals who want to question the "official" line of any event (meaning the accepted historical account). Some even do it "just for fun". And yes, for some, the scope of horror is too much to believe could ever happen. To believe it could happen to someone else is to believe it could happen to us as well. It is easier, life is more pleasant, to believe these things never happen.

    The saddest part of all this is, the holocaust, 9/11, Pearl Harbor, assisinations, etc. are parts of history we must never forget or attempt to mislead others about...we must remember them so that we do not allow them to happen again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it was unbelievably horrible, even much more so than many other ugly events happening nowadays before our eyes but which it seems we would rather ignore, maybe unconsciously, perhaps to keep on smiling and going.

  • 1 decade ago

    They have usually a political point of view which is close to the Nazi doctrine.

    So it is nearly impossible for them to accept that their models should have committed such horrible crimes. The only possibility for their minds to escape that dilemma is just a blunt denial, which has even got "scientific proof".

  • anna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The point is they don't *want* to believe it. Either because of their own political bias or because they find it horrifyingly repulsive that humans could stoop so low to do this to each other.

    Some people have a hard time accepting things they don't understand.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its almost unbelievably horrific..that level of slow, methodical and thoroughly evil action boggles the mind and hurts the heart..easier to deny it ever happened than to ponder why.

  • WC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some people decide to cast a blind eye to an event that DID happen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They just know.They should visit Germany,and see the camps,where they all took place.or visit a Jewish SR.Rec.CTR.,or at least wath the movie "Schlinder List",By Steven Speilberg.Then hopefully it will open more eyes.

  • Bob
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I guess you posted this in Photography because there pictures of the atrocities?

    I bet you are one of those people that actually believe we landed on the moon. It was all faked!!

    Why do people believe the WWF is real? The world is full of morons!

    It's like asking how come there is gravity. It's just the way it is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Denial - either 'natural' or drug induced -

    If one can't see it? it doesn't exist. . . the old ostrich with it's head in the sand syndrome. . .

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they're in denial.

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