Mama's of 4 kids... what's it really like?

My hubby and I are contemplating our fourth child. I thought I would ask those of you who have four what your thoughts and experiences are. Why did you choose to have a fourth? What were your expectations? What do you find wonderful about having four? Alternately, what do you find the most difficult? Financially, how have you managed with four children? What was your age when you had your fourth? Thanks!


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i have 4 boys 6yr old twins a 4yr old and a 14 month old....i chose to have 4 because i think its great when there older to have more then 1 or 2 siblings to visit and do things with and like the idea of a big family...what i find wonderful about having 4 is they never get bored they always have someone to play with and theres never a dull moment around here...most difficult i would have to say is they fight alot its exhausting and of course expensive...financially manage by shopping in big bulks and always looking for sales...i buy most things from walmart bjs or cosco...for clothes...i shop at local stores that seel discount name brand clothes when things are on sale weather it be diapers food etc i stack up big time...i was 27 when i had my 4th (also in my opinion when you have 3 kids one will feel left out..especially in my case my twins are always together and the 4yr old gets left he has a younge brother so it 2 and 2