Iced Tea in Pregnancy?

I have been craving iced tea from McDonald's sooo bad this week!! And I've actually had it a few times but I control myself and just get a small. I'm drinking unsweetened, so I'm not worried about that... I am worried about the caffeine. How much is too much?


Favorite Answer

You can have up to 200 mg. of caffeine from all sources. Tea has much less caffeine than coffee, so you can indulge in quite a bit before you have to be concerned.


You can have up to 200 mg of caffeine, though some docs will say more or less. Tea has about 28 to 38 mg of caffeine depending on the brand. I craved McDonald's sweet tea and had some about 3 days a week during my pregnancy.

good website for mg of caffeine in drinks.

♥Beth aka CJ's Mommy♥2010-04-16T08:25:54Z

I have actually read and heard that caffeine is not as bad as most people make it out to be... Of course, you should cut back, and drink water or some sort of caffeine free drink,, but drinking it every now and then will not harm your baby... I've tried telling my husband that, and he wont hear anything of it! haha no caffeine for me at all!


You can have up to 200 mg. a day. A 20 oz. tea has about 4. So I'd say you could drink it. I'm like you...I've tried to stay away from caffeine my whole pregnancy, but now I always want chocolate!! Chocolate has like 130 so I'd say it's safe to have tea.

awaiting my sons arrival 5/2/102010-04-16T08:33:59Z

I drink tea all the time i think you will be okay just drink an equal amount of water water is beat for you at this point