I feel kinda guilty because I am still breastfeeding my kids- my girl will be 3 in June, & my boy is 15 mo.?!?

I feel bad because my daughter begs for it for comfort at bedtime, and I don't know for sure how long it is appropriate to nurse my infant son?! Any thoughts from ladies who've been there would be much appreciated! Please... and thank you very much!

Canadian Snowgirl2010-04-18T17:23:31Z

Favorite Answer

Many women choose to nurse until age two or much beyond, it's all about your personal preference. Why you would come on a site like this and advertise it is beyond me, you are asking for some rude answers. I also have no idea why a mother would feel "guilty" for providing the best thing for her children.

In my opinion, it is totally and absolutely normal to breastfeed a 15 month old - although at 15 months I would no longer call him an "infant". My 10 month old still nurses about 7 times a day, we will wean when we are both ready.

Biker Chick2010-04-18T17:43:55Z

It is up to you to decide when to wean your children but if YOU want the three year old off the breast then try pumping and putting it in a cup and slowly wean her on to regular milk. As for the 15 month old you could also try a sippy cup of milk or you could enjoy breast feeding him a while longer. It is totally up to you. You should not feel bad about providing the best nutrition for your children but if you feel ready to call your breasts your own again nobody would blame you. 3 years is a long time to commit to breastfeeding! Take care.

Jenn B2010-04-18T18:05:50Z

It is hard to wean them off unless they are one to wean themselves. My oldest weaned herself while the other ones I had to wean off and I missed that so much. I am pretty sure though my daughter weaned off because my mom started introducing her to the cup and drinking from a straw. Try pumping milk out for your daughter to wean her off. She may fuss and cry which you will have to deal with for awhile. Comfort her the best you can at night while doing this. If she has a favorite blanket or toy she plays with make sure she has that.

I have known people to breastfeed to 18 months or 2 yrs. I have heard of others breastfeeding beyond that and ultimately it is your choice.


I nursed my daughter but I stopped before she turned one so I cant really relate but I will say three is way to old. At that point it isn't for nutriental value anymore its just for...well I don't know cause I think its kind of gross (no offense to you). If your daughter want to nurse you need to explain to her that she is to old and its only for babies. Offer her a hug or a warm glass of milk instead. As far ah your son goes, he is old enough to be weaned also. I would start now before you have another 3 yr old your nursing.


Once my children hit a year I started substituting one bottle a day of whole milk until they were completely done with me. I was fortunate that my kids didn't really care. 3 is way too old. You have to tell yourself it is for the nutritious value only. The 3 year old gets plenty of nutrition from real food. Give A GLASS of warm milk just before bed if needed. But make sure teeth are brushed after! Even milk can rot your teeth!

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