How will the Republicans spin this?

"Companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 index have reported 76 percent higher operating earnings than a year ago — on pace to be the biggest year-over-year increase ever, according to S&P analyst Howard Silverblatt. Nearly half the companies in the index have reported earnings so far." reported from and Associated Press story?

J C2010-04-28T19:25:12Z

Favorite Answer

They will ignore their own sin, as usual.


Need the full context of the story. This snipet doesn't apply to the whole S&P 500 otherwise the index would list a lot higher.


Look , no matter how great the economy may get ( and it rises and falls and corrects itself inspite of Presidents ) Obama's administration is going to get hurt in Nov due to the size of his BIG gov't wet dream ! A lot of dems don't want gov't as BIG as Obama wants it . Also , the smarmy politics and the biased media are turning people off from this Administration ..............


Spin, and the truth for that matter, is that all economists have said things will get better regardless of who is in office. These things are cyclical and go up and down. If you can show me a direct result between Obama's polices and the market rising, I would love to see it.


Stop thinking right and left and think for yourself. Stop turning a blind eye to the massive corruption going on in Washington. Its on both sides. Think independently for yourself be a leader and not a follower. Corruption is becoming the downfall of our country and the right and left are only dividing by brainwashing people.

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