Do you agree/disagree with this statement?

for class i have to either agree or disagree, and why with this statement/quote that my teacher made up.

"the scholar asks how, but the wise man asks why."

do you agree or disagree?

thanks :)


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I agree.

Scholars ask how something happens, how plants survive, how cancer starts, stuff like that.

Wise people ignore the how (although to how is often important to the why) and try to find out why, why the world began, stuff like that.

The 'whys' are often bigger concepts, things that wise people try to understand.


First of all your teacher didn't make this up. This statement, or a version of it has been around for a long time. I guess I agree with it, because it is wise to know the reason behind something before knowing how. That seems to be a good order to follow.




the answer is, because a scholar is someone still learning. They are curious to know how something works.
Out of the normal hoi-poloi of the educated world, only the ones with brains care to think about life and then they wonder "why is this so?"
while the others are too busy with futile stuff and carry on.


The scholar may indeed ask how, and the wise man indeed asks why.

But the Master asks how AND why.....and then proceeds with faithful assurance that the answers to both....

.....patiently await their certain discovery within his or her own divine Being, having been placed there by the Creator, Himself. This gift has been given to everyone.

".....And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking ...."

Be Thou then....the Master Who Knows Thy Self.

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