Anyone know how to build a TurboFog deck (MTG)?

I'm looking to build a green/white deck that has at least 4 different fog-type effects (safe passage, angelsong, Holy Day, etc). I don't care what format, but the deck needs to have some strategy that it uses to win (without stalling until someone decks themself). Pricewise, nothing like Elspeth or Baneslayer, but no restrictions otherwise.


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Without stalling? That's the entire concept of a TurboFog deck. You just have to speed up the decking/milling process with Howling Mine, Font of Mythos, Archive Trap, Hedron Crab, and Tome Scour.

Keeping the deck green/white will be a lot harder. I suppose you could keep fogging until you get a Baneslayer or Eldrazi titan out, but they'll probably just destroy it.

Problem is green/white wants to go attack while TurboFog wants to defend. I would advise either going green/white aggro or go blue/white/green mill.