Can you send a child support payment check or money order directly to the child through California CSSD?

I have a child that is 17yrs old and will turn 18 in June 2010. HE may not graduate HS and I know if he doesn't, I will have to pay until his 19th birthday. If CS is for the child, I want to know if I can send check or money order payments directly to him to cash but still have his mothers name on it also. That way, she cannot cash it with out his signature or he can cash it on his own. I plan to send all copies to California CSSD for verification and credit. can this be done legally?


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No, but you can make an official request not for it to be transferred to him. Just contact child support enforcement.

* To learn a father's rights, join Dads House in Yahoo Groups. It's free to join, access all materials, and you associate with other fathers going through, and have already gone through, the same issues. We have an Educational Manual that teaches everything that needs to be known in addressing your legal issues.


Yeah, high-quality proposal. Then what occurs while he blows all of it on video video games, and many others? What occurs then while his mom has not anything to shop for him meals with? It is known as youngster "help" for a purpose. That is why it's given to a dad or mum, no longer a youngster. If he are not able to even graduate top tuition, I surely would not be handing him cash to do with as he pleases anticipating him to make use of it for his "help".


no, you need to go through the courts unless youtwo get along and you have reciepts.. If not he can say you never gave him no money and can sue you for back support.. call your local domestic relations office.