I've been with my bf for 8 years. he has a 13 y.o. daughter. at the beginning everything was cool until the mother found out her kid liked me. she taught her kid to hate me since she was 5 y.o. i just had a baby girl and the girl is not happy about it. she is calling daddy more often for stupid stuff and she is all needy.... daddy doesnt put a limit to that because he says she needs him because she is a teen.... she plays soccer and i called her early today to find out what time daddy had to pick her up and of course i told him about it. 1hr later her mother called and she was MAD because i bothered her daugther with my phone call... give me a break. i just called because i wanted to know what time she was going to call daddy so i could take my baby to a different room so she didnt wake her up. i hate how she plays these games. and the father does not do much to put her in her place... what can i do? i dont want my baby to be second best in daddy's life!! and i definitely want to give these bit*ches a lesson. This kid has been HORRIBLE to me and daddy can't see that
I'm not a bad person whatsoever!!!


i'm 30 when i met them i was 22.
i tried to be nice in every single way but this teen just does not get it... i got sick of her rejections


Favorite Answer

It sounds like her mother is a jealous b*tch! I already hate her and don't even know her name! Don't blame the kid for what her mother made her believe, hate the mother only! Tell you're bf/husband how all you are doing is trying to help. Tell him how you will call her in the mornings and what not for the baby's sake and tell the kid that, too. If you do that, he will have ABSOLUTELY no reason to be mad. If the mother continues to b*tch to you, change your phone number. There is no reason why you should have to stoop to her level and argue.


"I'm not a bad person whatsoever"
This is only your side of the story. Think about it what the girl feels like with another woman (you her stepmother) and your daughter (her stepsister) in her fathers life. I bet she is the one feeling left out and wants to get attention from her own father. You are older than her so be more mature, think of what other people are going through because like it or not she is your stepdaughter and you should learn to care for her. She will see if you care for instead of cursing her and will come around...you said, "I'm not a bad person whatsoever" then act like one.


You've been going out for 8 years and you're not married? You must be old since he had a 5 year old when you met him, lol.
Think about it to her, she's a kid. Her dad just had another baby. Do you want her to be second, behind your baby, in his life? Think about it. Think about it in her point of view. Her mom sounds crazy, just don't talk to her. There's no reason to be mean to you unless you are to her, or if she's jealous lol.


hon, you seriously need to settle down or you're gonna find yourself in more of a predicament than you're already in;; how would you feel if everyone hated your dtr;; this world is a LOT bigger than you & until you get used to that, you'll be dreaming up ideas of how everyone is turning your dtr against you;; be careful with what you do & think or you WILL lose it all;; you need to seriously see where you 'fit' into this situation..just cuz ya got a baby doesn't make you 'god'...again, be careful, cuz if your BF gets wind of ANY of this, you will be finding a new cabin;; this 13 y/o has every right to want to be with her dad;; the ex has every right to find out IF you 2 are gonna be responsible to pick her dtr up, cuz it COULD have been the fact that BECAUSE of your call, the mother didn't know WHO was gonna pick her dtr up, IF anybody;; chill..cuz the world does NOT revolve around you, & you TRULY put step-moms to shame...good luck, you will need it...