I don't have a question really. Just wanted to see if anyone else was due now/past due.
This little girl is comfy and cozy and I don't think she plans to come out anytime soon.
I've tried all the natural induction techiniques and like they say, nothing works until the baby is ready!
Besides the back ache, leg pain, pelvic pressure, itchy tummy, numb spots on tummy from the stretching and the overall sense of wanting to do this already, I feel fine lol! Not to mention my daughter (who is now 2) came two weeks before her due date. I am going stir crazy!
Anyone else happily miserable with me??
Kaylin Elizabeth2010-05-24T05:29:09Z
Favorite Answer
me!!!!!!! lol im 3 days overdue and i feel that this baby is a long way from home. i have everything ready but still no baby. hope yours comes soon and have faith that when its time, then its time. try to enjoy your pregnancy as long as you can
I can only relate in the sense that the doctor told me one friday afternoon when I was 36 weeks "Looks like you are in for a long wait" after seeing the positioning of the baby and my cervix. I was kinda like "Great, this kid is camping out for the long-haul!" But I ended up having him that Tuesday :P He was and still is a little trickster.
My mom had her second child, my younger brother, 22 days late! That is more than 3 weeks!! She was carefully monitored by the doctor, but still...22 days!! She said she felt like he was never coming out. She said she would sit in the rocking chair in his little blue room and just rock, thinking, "Baby, when in the world are you planning on coming?!" I can't imagine, especially since she had twin 2-year-olds tearing around the house. But he came, healthy and apparently unfazed by the fact that he made people wait for so long. And funny enough, he is the only one of the four of us (we have one more younger brother who came early), that actually makes it on time to anything. The rest of us are perpetually late!
Good luck! I hope she comes out of there soon for you.