need help with who to date......?
hi i'm stuck between like 3 girls to date. this is too personal, but i need help. 1st one is called Reyna. she's funny, single, jokes around alot, cheers me up when i'm feeling down. 2nd is a girl named Ana. she funny, and have a lot in common. for example, her parents are from the same city that my grandma was from. thing is, Reyna and Ana are both Mexican, and I'm Mexican, and my parents want me to go out with someone of our own race. the 3rd is Shannon. I've known her since 4th grade, she's white. I was IM'ing her like a week ago and she asked if i was single or taken. she didnt say y she wanted to know. i dont want to be going out with 3 girls cuz that'd b not mature on my part, and i am NOT a player who plays with girls. i want to go out with somebody but don't know who. now that i think of it, my parents actually said that i can go out with anybody as long as i dont play with a girls feelings, and that i dont end up with a 3 yr relationship lol. I've never gone out with a girl so after u decide who i should ask out give me some tips on how to do it properly and how to be sweet to her. one thing i dont like about Reyna is that she can take a joke too far, and it pisses me off. and Ana never judges me, and neither does Shannon. But overall, their all sweet girls. so i need help!!! so just choose which one and why, and give me some tips. It would make the girl my first girl. So choose carefully.
FYI, i'm 12 going on 13 in June. I am currently a 7th grader and so are the girls lsited above