Why does Texas put SO FEW people to death, compared to the number of murders in Texas?
The state of Texas has around 1,200 murders per year, but it only executes around 20 people per year.
20 out of 1,200?
I'm sorry, but that's just unacceptably low. What about the hundreds and hundreds of other murderers who don't face the death penalty? Why isn't Texas cracking down on those guys?
Sadly, Texas actually has a murder rate ABOVE the national average, and a large part of this must be blamed on the low number of people who are actually executed.
Will Texas ever step its game up, or what?
I live here in Houston, and we have gangbangers shooting each other all the time, and it seems like a lot of them aren't even ARRESTED, let alone prosecuted, convicted, sentenced to death, then executed.