i live in the country and a cat came up to the house today. she's skinny and has a stupid bell on her collar and the collar was also too tight. i think it's terrible that suppliers sell them. people don't want their cat to get a bird, but they aren't thinking about how a bell makes the cat an easier target for dogs, or how the cat wouldn't be able to catch a mouse if she finds herself relocated. please spread the word bells on a cat are a no no.
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The only reason for that should be if the cat is an indoor cat. My boyfriends parents cat has a bell on his collar because he is super quiet and its easier to find him in a big house. I totally agree about the outside thing though people should be more responsible with their pets. Just as bad as getting your cat declawed if you dont have kids and its an outdoor cat.
I personally have a collar with a bell for my kitten because he likes to sneak attack. Also, he is a black cat and when he goes outside and its night time, i can't see him. So when i hear his bell, i know where he is. Otherwise, yes they are kind of stupid. And they can still catch mice and stuff, my kitten brings home mice and birds ALL the time.
I agree- I don't like collars either. I've heard of animals hanging themselves with the collars. I know they say collar & id tag to idenifty them but **** just keep your babies indoors!!