Anger over BP's debacle in the gulf seems to be directed in two places. Why the diversity in blame?

One thing we can all agree on: this accident will place all methods of harvesting energy in a new light. Business cannot be allowed to profit without some level of environmental (as well as fiscal) responsibility. Governments owe citizens of the world some level of accountability for events that occur on their watch. Media need to be more objective and less reactive in presenting incidences like this to their consumers.

There is plenty of blame to go around. We just spread it differently. Why do you think some choose to point the finger primarily at the corporations involved in the spill, while others lay the blame squarely at the feet of the federal government? Which entity is more equipped to 'fix' the problem? Who else would you like to see involved in a solution?


Favorite Answer

I think you are missing some Blame.

Of course BP has to shoulder some blame. There is no reason to think that they hoped or expected this would happen. There is no benefit to BP for a spill.

The blame needs to start at the fools who forced offshore drilling in the first place. Until on shore supplies are exhausted, it is foolish and asking for trouble to drill in 5000 feet of water. There is plenty of oil in the western states that is far more easily gotten than in the Gulf.

Next is the folks in Government who did not have the balls to stand up to the fools who forced offshore drilling.

Also the folks in business who did not forcefully fight offshore drilling.

And the media who coddles the tree huggers and believes the pseudo science they trot out when trying to make a ludicrous point.

Finally the American voters who buy into the environmentalist crap and elect folks who favor them. I do not know of anyone in any party who wants dirty air, water and dead animals.

The extremes the oil companies are forced to go to to find oil are because a lot of people either lied, caved and did not take the time to look at the situation logically. A broken BOP on land is easily handled and controlled compared to 5000 feet down.

There is plenty of blame to go around. The more important action, instead of pointing fingers, will be to clean up the mess and take steps to avoid another such problem.

More sane drilling methods
Alternative energy (coal, nuclear, gas) in the short term
New energy sources that will be efficient and effective. Wind may be fine in some areas, not as a major source, efficiency is often as low as 10%, solar may be fine in FL, AZ or CA, do not bother in MI.

The debate has been going on since the 70s about getting off foreign oil and all that has really been accomplished is the creation of a huge, basically ineffective, department of energy.


Landfall43 has the rite answer to your question. Hez hit the nail with the hammer.