Yahoo! Answers Question Rating System?

I've come across some really retarded questions, and I'm sure all of you have as well.
Wouldn't it be better to have a rating system under the question a simple :
terrible, bad, good, excellent or whatever, instead of the star?

And maybe completely remove the question if it receives a certain amount of bad votes, and also deduct a certain amount of points for this.

Experto Credo2010-06-15T05:09:30Z

Favorite Answer

They used to have that, but it was badly abused. The idea behind the star is that you don't star it to show 'displeasure', but most folks don;t star anyway, so it serve no real purpose in showing unhappiness with a question


My view is that the entire score device is mindless because of the fact there are particular cynics who, extremely of score in basic terms berate an answer that's downright obnoxious.after all pass away the score to the asker who's the wonderful decide. Have a super Day. Edit:- And under the recent device,an informative answer attracts a nil score that's the main ridiculous ingredient I actual have ever wide-unfold.It in basic terms is mindless.If an answer is informative that is seen sensible and would desire to have some factors assigned.That on my own makes the recent score device an utter farce.


Once you get the hang of the system it works pretty good With an answer or a question all it takes is abuse reports by two "trusted members" and the bots remove the post.