Those who believe post-op Transsexual women are, or used to be men, what SPECIFICALLY is it that offends you?
This is a serious question, as I'm trying to understand the root of Transphobia. I've heard words used like "repulsive", "sick", "sicken", "disgust", "offensive", "deceive", "deceptive", "immoral", "sinful", etc.
The religious objections I get. I understand dogma very well. The moral objections not so much, because to me, morals are relative, but I suppose if correcting a medical condition is a sin, there are thousands of non-Trans people who are sinning every year, though I don't think you can really blame an infant for having a cleft palate corrected.
So what is the nitty gritty part about a Transsexual person that upsets you? Is it the fact that our bodies were once testosterone dominant, and that we had male secondary sexual characteristics? Is it the idea of knowing that we once had the same skin texture, hair, nails, body fat, odor, and many other intangibles as any born male? Is it physical contact? You do know that skin is an organ, and male and female skin is essentially the same, and can even be transplanted from a male to female or vice-versa, like a kidney. It is hormones that give skin it's distinctive gender specific characteristics. Change the hormones, and you change the skin. Is it the neovagina, made out of the existing genital tissue, which of course began as rudimentary fetal tissue present in all human beings. You do realize that even gynecologists can not tell a fashioned vagina from a natal one, and that vaginoplasty is also done for natal women who are born with missing or underdeveloped vaginas. Is it the Chromosomes that offend you? You do know that there are men born XX, XXY, XXXY, and there are women born XY, XXYY, XYYY, and so on. There are over a dozen human karyotypes, as well as gender mosaics, and the physical anatomy is not necessarily dictated by the genes anyway.
Let's assume a straight male has sex with a post-op Transsexual woman. He does not sense any difference between her, and a born-female. The sex is satisfying and he is happy. The next morning he finds out the woman once had a testosterone dominant anatomy. He feels incredibly hurt, but HOW has he been hurt? He rubbed parts of his body with another person whose body chemistry was once like his, but is now identical to any other females. The Transsexual woman felt the same, smelled the same, sounded the same, behaved the same, so HOW was he harmed? Where or what was the injury?
It's deception you say? He had a right to know about the way her body used to be? Okay, but then doesn't it become obligatory for everyone to share ALL their medical history with a potential sex partner. Suppose the man had dentures, or a glass eye, or a hairpiece? What if he suffers from hypertrictosis, and shaved his body bare before the date? Suppose he had breast cancer, and has a pectoral implant? Suppose he lost his testicles to cancer, and has artificial ones. Didn't she deserve to know these things before she was "tricked" into having sex? Wasn't the harm she suffered the same as what the man suffered? Or was it that there really was no harm at all... that a difference which makes no difference IS no difference.
Is it possible that the "offensiveness" felt towards Transpeople is really just guilt people feel for holding something against a person that really makes no difference? Is it possible that the anger people feel is really because they think because they couldn't detect any difference between a Transsexual woman's body and a Cissexual woman's, they are somehow injured?
Please, feel free to give me as detailed an explanation as you like for why you find Transsexual women so objectionable. I promise not to turn this into a debate... I'm just interested in why you feel the way you do.