How to look happier? Read below?

People always tell me to be happy and smile, why are u sad and u look mean. Well I am not mad or sad. And i am not going to walk down the hallways at school smiling that would be weird. People won't talk to be and people will say do you talk and I get called the quiet girl. Could this be why I get made fun of. How do I look happier and find something to talk about. I never know what to say to people. Please help


Favorite Answer

Don't let other people pressure you to change, as long as you are kind to people who cares what facial expression you have. Smile if you want to smile, cry if you want to cry. Be you, and those that love you for being yourself will be harder to find, but they will be much better friends then if you try to be something other than what you are. Try this song: