For Fun: What things have you done to "Abuse" your pregnancy status?

Just for fun-- Have any of you pregnant ladies done anything that is sort of abusing your pregnancy status? Like have you tried to use you pregnancy as an excuse to get away with things?

My husband & I were recently at a wedding and he wanted a chocolate covered strawberry from the dessert table. I told him that we had to wait until they served the dessert! But he said that I could go get one because I was pregnant & people would understand. Just FYI, I did not do this-- But it got us to thinking that there may be some funny things that people have done and used their pregnancy as an excuse to get away with it.

Pregnant with Baby #22010-06-22T07:51:56Z

Favorite Answer

I haven't had to clean the bathroom since I found out I was pregnant. My husband does want me inhaling the cleaners, so he does it :)
I don't have to do the laundry by myself anymore because he doesn't want me to carry anything heavy, so hubby tagges along.
Our car doesn't have a/c and my father in law saw how horrible I looked because of it and guess what? He's letting us borrow His car right now. :)


I have only done the dishes about 5 or 6 times since ive known i was pregnant. I found out when i was 5 weeks. IM now 3 1/2 months


I've cut in lines, got free breakfast buffets at a hotel I spent a night in but didnt pay for breakfast ( I just hang around and went ooh, those muffins sure look good... lol) I stopped doing dishes ( we have no dishwasher) at 7 mos pregnant and also vacuuming around the same time I do have to say though that it was uncomfortable to stand to wash the dishes, the vacuuming I could have done)
I've just sat around and asked other people bring me things because I didnt feel like getting up and no one ever says no to a preggo lady asking for help :D

Allycea's Mommy2010-06-22T07:42:32Z

I haven't cleaned out our cats litter since I was 6 weeks, and I'm now 33 weeks.

I haven't washed my car, my husband has done it.

I go for seconds on dessert (yummy)

If I don't feel like cooking, I say that I'm craving something and we'll go out to eat

There's plenty more but can't think off the top of my head... I love it though :)


I have only used it as an excuse when I really couldnt do something.. Like bend over to get stuff or lift heavy stuff or if I dont feel like running up the stairs if I forget something.. Other than that, I am still doing all the stuff like cleaning and dishes and such.. Cant help myself.. Oh and when I dont want to cook.. We will just go get something to eat or he will make me something..

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