What specific element of the movie The Human Centipede (First Sequence) is the most disturbing to you?
I showed my husband the trailer after explaining what I read about the movie on Wikipedia because he was curious to see what disturbed me so much about it. He told me it was sick but then wanted to watch it. Although the trailer and reading the plot was enough for me, he was asking why it was so disturbing to me to the point where I could not watch it. I told him because my mind automatically goes to the victims, I put myself in their shoes and think of how horrible it will be to become the victims to make out the human centipede. So my question is, for those of you who agree it's a disturbing thought but can stomach the movie, where does your mind set go when you watch it? Do you connect to the characters at all when thinking about something as disturbing as this? I just want to see where people connect to the movie and what part makes it disturbing besides the obvious. Is it because it could possibly happen in real life? Is it because you put yourself in their shoes? I hope this makes sense. Thanks to all who provide serious answers.