loud ping/hum from an older TV?

I have an older TV in my room. It's about 25 years old and I rarely used it until now. I just bought a PS3 from someone and I'm extremely aware of this loud ping noise it gives off.

What is this, and is there anything I can do about it? It's a normal high pitched screen noise that I can hear (I'm 18) and my dad can't. My computer monitor does it sometimes but this TV does it all of the time, turning down the brightness didn't have an effect. Is there anything I can do besides get a new TV?


Favorite Answer

All older TVs are CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)TVs. The ping sound you can hear is oscillation sound produced by either the SM Transformer or the EHT. CRT TVs produce oscillation sound either at one point of time or the other. Nothing much to worry about that.

WARNING: Do not mistake oscillation sound for leaking high voltage.
In a CRT TV, the EHT's final anode feeds High Voltage (2400 Volts) to the picture tube. Sometimes this high voltage becomes leaky and, on coming into contact with the graphite on the back of the picture tube, it produces a continuous spark sounds. If this Hi Voltage is leaking, you can smell ozone which smells like fish - its a fishy smell. A TV in which the EHT's anode Voltage is leaky should NEVER BE USED.

TEST: Switch on the TV in a dark room. . From a distance of about 2 feet behind the TV, try to see the inside of the TV through holes on the TV's cover/cabinet. Never open the TV cover/cabinet. If you see sparks like lightnings inside the TV, then DEADLY 2400 Voltage is leaking. Such a TV should not be used before the leakage is corrected by a qualified technician.


I can hear that noise in my brothers tv (I'm 19) to but my mom swears she can't hear it.

If you bought a PS3 to play on a 25 year old tv......You wasted your money.

Buy a new one.