What does lmfsbo stand for?
So no one really seams to know?? LOL
I like the different variations though, (the word balls did not even enter my thought pattern)
So no one really seams to know?? LOL
I like the different variations though, (the word balls did not even enter my thought pattern)
Favorite Answer
laughing my effing sweaty balls off
I'm guessing it's a variant of lmao, downgrading to a B instead of A...If I had to guess "laughing my fat shiny butt off"
Metal Head
i don't think the B is ment to be in there there is one known as LMFSO = laugh my fukcing socks off
and also LMFAO = laugh my fukcing a$$ of
laugh my f u c k i n g stupid butt off
laugh my five star butt off.
i dunno why anyone would use that though. o_0