Favorite Answer
I think it is True.
I applaud Free Speech--
watch how many progressives and liberals will complain that freedom of Speech needs to be censored!
He is a lot like the other two dictators. I like it.
Captain Awesome
I think it is childish and unproductive. If the Tea Party movement wants to be taken seriously by anyone other than their own kind, they need to quit the adolescent behavior. How are you going to compare a guy to two dictators that hated each others' ideologies? Are you just saying Obama is a dictator? How so? It doesn't even make any sense. You can't just say "Obama is like Hitler" and not offer any real similarities. Saying he is like Lennon or Marx makes more sense if you want to talk about gov't run health care, but even that is a huge stretch. And since the "public option" isn't even on the table anymore, why even continue with that comparison? I'm so sick of childish politics.
Since obama's speaking style closely resembles that of Musssolini, I think El Duce should be on the billboard too.
He is definitely behaving like a national socialist hurling propagandist lies to the public. Consider the following quote: "I do not enter the meeting hall to discover intellectual truths, but to persuade others of what I think to be right." Joseph Goebbels (Munich 1934)
Free Speech in great
That's how a huge segment of America's see's him.