had what I think was a panic attack?

Visiting NY city for the 2nd time- my first time as an adult. As a kid, I had a massive panic attack (my first and only) when I visited first, 20 years ago. Today, I had another panic attack, along with a claustrophobia fit. I've got a wife and kids, and I looked like a little girl today when this happened. Now, they're laughing about it, but I just spent 45 minutes having a crying jag in the shower (without anyone finding out). I got shitfaced drunk after we got back to our hotel outside of the city. I'm facing another visit tomorrow to the city.
What I really want is to bail. I don't feel like I can bail without a massive loss of face. If I can find a bottle of decent whisky, I guess I'll be OK. Any advice would be appreciated.
BTB, I'm a combat vet with experience and multiple awards for having run in the face of stupid odds. I've never been afraid of bloodshed, dying, or anything else, but visiting a city square full of people is unmanning me. Thoughts?

Caffeine Fiend2010-07-25T11:33:48Z

Favorite Answer

Judging by your background... There is nothing wrong with getting a bit of help from someone qualified to do it, possibly from some sort of therapist. It might uncover some details that demonstrate this is perhaps deep rooted - and once that is done, they can help address it.

I wish you all the best though, seriously.

Krista kiwi2010-07-24T04:38:02Z

yes it was a panic attack and all u have to do is focus. r u good at multitasking? whille ur doing whatever ur doing, focus very deeply on ur breathing patterns, heart beat, and yes u can hear it if u focus enough.breath deeply, in through ur nose, hold it in ur lower abdomine for a few seconds, then exhale through ur mouth slowely. good luck!!!!