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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsHeart Diseases · 1 decade ago

Heart attack or panic attack?

I am 25 and have been having shortness of breath since last night. I dont have any chect pain and AM a sufferer of panic attacks?

I am scared I am having a heart attack. I checked my blood pressure and it was fine this morning, am I just freaking myself out or is it just a panic attack?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    things to ask yourself, are you sweating a lot, does your left arm hurt?? if yes, it could be a heart attack but since you do suffer from panic attacks then i would say it is just a panic attack, keep an eye on your blood pressure and if it gets high go seek medical advice

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    OK, as someone who is fresh off medication for anxiety and panic disorders, let me take a crack at this: A fair few of the symptoms could be either, but all of them could be panic attacks. However, here are a few things which could help you determine which: Do these start after you've been thinking about your health, and wondering if you are OK. Panic attacks normally start with a thought, and build up based on it. Are you mentally confused at all during them? When I had panic attacks, I was never able to sit still. I would try to calm down and breath normally, but the slightest thing would set me off and I'd have to move. Does the shaking happen usually after things start to calm down. Your body produces a huge amount of adrenaline during a panic attack, and coming down off that causes shaking for people who have had panic attacks. If you really try had, and breath slowly and normally, and try to clear your mind, does this help it go away? Does the headache come after as well? I often got them from the physical exertion, which is usually quite extreme during a panic attack. I hope this helps...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I'd go to the doctor and/or ER regardless to rule out a heart attack, you won't be the first they've seen in this condition. Panic attacks can cause shortness of breath, and then the "freaking out" about having a heart attack can worsen a panic attack for sure. Go get checked out just to be sure. Good luck

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am single mum. I have been suffering for panic attacks for some 15 years now, though it was not until recently I understood what they were. They were progressively getting stronger and more frequent, stopping me from some days even leaving my house. I read this book and it all made perfect sense.

    I am not saying I was not terrified of putting theory to action, I was more scared of that than the next attack! But I decided to view it as a game, one I had control of and could therefore not lose!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    can you 'touch' your pain? if you are having chest pain, and you cannot 'touch' it, then i would go in to the er. by touch, i mean, put your finger on your pain. if your finger cannot lightly massage the pain away in your chest, it's probably under the bones, meaning, possibly your heart. if it's muscle tissue, you can massage it way.

    high blood pressure is not necessarily an indicator of heart attack. your pressure could bottom out, too. it is probably a panic attack. but if it is unlike any other panic attacks you have had in the past, i would say to go in to the er, or call your doc. good luck to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had a heart attack go to the ER take a aspirin ,Heart Attack

    A condition in which a blocked artery prevents sufficient blood flow to your heart muscle,causing the tissue to die.Also

    called (MI) due to a blockage of blood flow tothe heart muscle (myocardium),Symptoms may include nausea,shortness of breath and pain in the chest,arm or neck.

    Source(s): Coronary Artery and Peripheral Vascular Diseases
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like a panic attack i suffer with them immensly and extreme but if your concerned see the doctor he can tell you better with an examination as people on here cant lol good luck

  • dcrc93
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i dont know only a doctor would know this

    it could be lots of things besides panic attacks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Heart problems sometimes occur after eating a big meal.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you go to doc. have him check mitral valve, my blood press. was fine heart in great shape. no fat around heart, one doc. said he didn't know what was wrong, wife and i told him it was mitral valve his words were it would never bother me, well another doc. said i neede oper. right away. am now 100% ready to do what i need to do. this does,t mean your mitral valve is bad, it means it could be part of problem, valve keeps blood from going back in lungs.

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