Is the book, "The Shoulder Shrug" from "The Book Thief" a real book?
Or, rather, was it?
Thank you :)
Or, rather, was it?
Thank you :)
Favorite Answer
"The Shoulder Shrug", "The Grave Digger's Handbook" or "The Dream Carrier" are fictitious titles that the author made up.
She just liked the way the titles sounded and each title refers to problems that Hitler's oppressive tactics caused.
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Eh, sometimes. I don't really look through the section -- I get emails when my contacts ask questions, and then it shows up in my home page or whatever if people star or ask or answer questions. Normally those are the questions I pay attention to. If it starts with "B&A" it's just a bonus, because then I know that it's for Books and Authors, as opposed to one of my contacts asking a random question about toothpaste brands or stuffed monkeys or something. BQ: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (I'm pressing the "m" button until I can think of a kind of good answer) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okay so no. Paper has been around for thousands of years. Okay actually that's the only evidence that will actually support my opinion and it sucks anyways. But it's just a feeling I get. I like reading on my Kindle, but I don't think that it could ever replace actual books. Plus if you don't have a computer or something. And also, you know how in movies people are always like, "Here's something for you to read in jail," and it's like a beat up version of the Bible or Harry Potter or something? You can't say "Here's a $2000 Macbook. Happy reading." It's just not the same. Then again, if Pluto can be demoted from a planet to just some sort of random rock in space, then who knows what could happen.
The Shoulder Shrug
haha, yeah. It makes it sounds more personal, like you're personally addressing the B&A Regulars, and not just randoms who may be hanging around the section. :) I hope not. I like Kindles and all, but nothing replaces books. I love having shelves full of all of the books that I've read, like as an inventory of books that I've read throughout the years. My mum's wanted to buy me a Kindle for awhile now, but honestly, I'd much rather read a physical book. It's not like it's much cheaper to use an e-reader anyway. The Kindle books that I've seen have only been like 20p cheaper than a physical copy of a book. I'd take the book any day. I don't really have that many reasons why I prefer physical books, but I'd be so upset if EVERYTHING went digital, even books. If I was ever given a kindle, the only books I'd probably put on it would be school textbooks and set texts, which means I'd have less to carry around at school. :)
i dont know i have never read it but i have read review on it and it sounds good