When Pelosi makes noise about draining the swamp....?

.....does she not realize the swamp will be drained on November 2nd? She really does not get it, that the people have their hands on the swamp plug.

Chief Inspector Clouseau2010-07-30T10:46:32Z

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I agree, when the g0p lose even more seats the swamp will be drained.

My dog don't like liberals2010-07-30T11:20:45Z

The wicked witch of the west is the swamp. Liberal progressives and their new so called christian heresy of social justice and collective salvation as the salvation of the nation are preaching of another Christ besides the Christ of the Holy Bible. Their progressive preaching comes from a false teaching of Marxism. Lies and deceit that fallow them. There are no such thing as a liberal for Christ, one can not serve two masters. For liberals have joined their master the devil.

For those that have and put on Christ you will see their charity, It will not be by taking from others but by giving from ones own heart. They will not be damming America like the liberation movement is doing but praying for it. Before you take from others to give to others first pay your debt first, then give out of your pocket hypocrite. You will see they will not.

The swamp is big and has consumed many.


The plug on the Congressional swamp will be pulled Nov 2, and her lying, arrogant, elitist, slimy @ss will go down the drain with the rest of the corrupt democrat scum

Jules Winnfield Utopian Socialist2010-07-30T10:56:44Z

Yes. The swamp will be drained of the republican obstructionist scum.

We will clean it up and take our country back from the sold out republican party.


The swamp is where that woman crawled out of...

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