Why aren't more men pushing for a male birth control pill?

Do you think that it is because of a culture which thinks that it is the woman's responsibility to avoid unwanted pregnancy?
Seems to me that a male birth control pill will put men in the driver's seat. Lot less paternity suits. If a guy is sure he does not want kids, he can take his pill and not have to worry about some female getting knocked up and having to pay child support when he did not want any of that in the first place. I think that this something that guys should want. What do you think?


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there are a lot of guys that still think even today that spreading their seed around is a sign of virility,,, i for one do not... *shrugs*


there could be a number of reason IMHO i think it is the Pharmaceutical companies they have major control over the health the people. If a disease was cured they would not have the need for certain medications they would loose money. that $15.00 a day pill to keep a person alive would go away that is lost money. One of my parents would spend $835.00 on meds each month if they did not have insurance. Look at all the female birth control pill companies out there if a male birth control pill came out women would stop taking the pill. If there was a safe and effective birth control pill for guys i would be the first in line and i think that others would too.


Just a afterthought do you think this would effect the spred of std's now that a guy doesnt need to use a condom and can just goo inside a girl without worry of pregnacy do you think it would spread STD's even more?



Because some men have not yet started a family that's why, Like me I'm not married yet and when I do I would love to have at least 2 children- Girl/Boy. Then I would push for the pills.

arash s2010-07-31T13:20:19Z

Cause its really new, in the coming years you will see more adopters, just like women pills, and because there's already so many other ways its not that necessary so adoption rate is slow.


That would be great to know that you could'nt get girls pregnant, but we just can't stand the thought of shooting blanks if you know what i mean

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