How much is a daily (or weekly) Jet Ski Rental in the Philippines?

I'm planning a a Jet Skiing trip to the Philippines. I love jet skiing and I would like to pack a backpack full of food and go island hopping on a jet ski.

Where should I go? How much is a daily (or weekly) jet ski rental?

I've heard that some parts of the Philippines are very unfriendly towards jet skiing. What scams should I look out for? I planning on taking pictures of the jet ski before I leave so if they try to keep my deposit I'll have picture evidence (if that even helps).


Favorite Answer

you must be rich guy having these kind of life style and recreations , but yet i am not good enough to answer you . wait for more details and informations , from a well off like you


Usually $40 us for 1 hour. I have been to different resorts. This is the average going rate as of 2007.


i wish i was the one asking this question because i have not traveled a lot