Where can I find Hetalia Axis Powers in english dub?

I don't have any problem finding them all subbed but I really wanna watch it dubbed cause it has Vic Mignogna and Todd Haberkorn. :)
Please check the site first though so that I don't end up with a bunch of sites that I've already checked and don't have it dubbed...
Please and thank you.

P.S. WATCH not DOWNLOAD. Thanks! :D


Favorite Answer

I know the first four episodes are on Funimation's website....

... and that's probably the best you are going to do, until September 14, when it's officially released.

Warning: I found it shocking when I first watched it. It was similar to when I watched Ouran in Japanese and then in English. However, the voices aren't bad, and they are stereotypically correct. Germany's and Italy's are probably the best. What might be a problem is it seems like some of the word choices they use might not be the best in their translations.


The english version hasn't been released yet :) but if you go on youtube you can find clips of some of the episodes :)