How can I not sound bossy?

I'm 15 and my little sister is 11. Our Mom is at a concert with friends tonight so i was in charge of getting her to bed on time (9:30) at 9:00 I told her to start getting ready for bed and to be in bed at 9:30. she told me to back off and she would get it done and I was being too bossy.

I went upstairs to check on her at about 9:25 and she was sitting in bed texting. I told her i'd take the phone away if she wasn't ready next time I checked on her and she's going to be in trouble if she isn't ready by atleast 9:45. She said i was being a nag.

At 9:45 she still hadn't started getting ready so I took her phone away, she snatched her phone, yelled that i'm not the boss of her and locked herself in our moms room.

Now it's 10:15 she's taking a shower and i wanted to be in bed 15 minutes ago. and i don't want to involve my Mom in our fight right now because she's been really stressed lately and i don't want here to lose her fun night to tell us to stop fighting. How can i get her to go to bed without sounding bossy?


Favorite Answer

This is bossy,
You: Go to bed (her name)
Sister: No!
You: Go to bed now!
Sister: Why?
You: Cause i'm in charge and i'm older then you.
Now this is what you should tell her
You: Hey you should go bed now, it's getting late
Sis: No!
You: It won't be good for your skin and you'll get pimples
Sis: Stop nagging
You: I'm trying to help you here
Sis: Stop being so bossy!

And then just leave her. She'll get in trouble anyways


When nobody teaches a child how to behave, this stuff happens.

Being bossy is something your mom should do once and a while.

Looks like little sister may need crisis management brat control.

This isn't your fault, but maybe you can help.

Tell your mother exactly what happened.


Bossy and niceness stopped about an hour ago. You are talking to her too much and giving her too much leeway. It's bed time. Goodnight. That's it. If you're bossy or mean, so be it. She knows what her bed time is. Now enforce it.


smack her and tell her to stop being a bratty **** and to grow up and be mature and explain to her how she needs to help your mom by listening to you