If your taxes were to high, and you didn't trust your government to do anything about it.?

Would you leave the country? What country would you move to, and why?


Favorite Answer

According to this source, you would move to Switzerland (provided you had passed on the US, Australia, Canada, Japan, and the UK.)

It's a beautiful country that does not squander its blood and treasure in war due to its long held policy of neutrality. It is a safe place. It has the 7th highest GDP per capita in the world, and the lowest marginal tax rate.

You would, however, have to learn one of the four official languages (German is the majority language) and remain aloof to international politics. If you were a male under 42, you'd have to join the army. And you have to buy health insurance.

Bon voyage! Err..or Gute Fahrt! (reallly, that's "Have a good trip" in German, supposedly.)


No, I would not.